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Multi-site Real-time Progress and Visual Documentation Made Easy

Jobsite Camera Customer


Agree Realty Corporation (NYSE: ADC) is a fully-integrated, self-administered, and self-managed REIT focused on the development and acquisition of net lease retail properties throughout the United States. Their growing portfolio of industry-leading retailers consists of over 710 assets in 46 states. The Agree Team is relied upon by industry-leading partners, including Walgreens, Mcdonald’s, JP Morgan Chase, Burger King, Wawa, Camping World, and Mister Car Wash.


With their disciplined focus on producing high-quality projects, Agree Realty wanted the ability to monitor the progress of their multiple simultaneous projects remotely. Jeff Konkle, Vice President of Construction made the decision to utilize jobsite camera technology for not only progress monitoring but also safety/risk management, security, and marketing.


When Konkle began to research systems he found some very sophisticated and expensive cameras. With their typically shorter duration projects in mind, Konkle ultimately chose Sensera Systems cameras based on their balance of quality, features, and affordability.

Now using Sensera Systems cameras on six projects, Konkle remarked, “The cameras are extremely easy to set up, and managing the visual documentation in SiteCloud is intuitive and easy. Downloading/retrieving videos and images is quick and easy. We like the time-lapse video feature a lot. Some of these projects are 3-6 months long so they can’t support a big documentation expense. It’s also an added bonus to have other camera models to choose from should we need them.”

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