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City of Stars: Solar/Wireless Solution Allows for Integrated City Surveillance Expansion


A well known City in Southern California, is famously the hub of the entertainment world. With a population of 34,500 it is like many other municipalities when it comes to running the city and providing services to the community. Unlike other small towns, it hosts over 7.4 million visitors every year – up 23 percent from two years ago. This creates some unique challenges for the city in terms of traffic and pedestrian management and general security and policing in the city.

portable traffic cameras


The City makes extensive use of outdoor surveillance to support the police department and city teams. With the increase in visitors, the City identified additional areas with insufficient coverage in their existing camera system. The problem was, most of these areas didn’t have access to power or the city’s fiber infrastructure, and the expense to add power and extend the network made the project cost prohibitive.


The City investigated the option of deploying cameras that were self-powered and use cellular to connect to the City’s Ops center. They decided that using a solar/wireless camera system had the potential to provide the added coverage at an affordable cost but had several additional requirements.

Since they already had many cameras deployed and an existing Ops center, it was important any new cameras be able to integrate directly with their existing Milestone Video Management System (VMS). The new cameras needed to be “standard product”, deployable at scale across the city, and not “pieced together”. Portability and ease of deployment were also important since they anticipated wanting to move some of the camera locations over time to adapt to changing needs.
traffic cameras

The City conducted an extensive field-test of the concept and potential vendor solutions, then initiated a competitive public bid process to solicit proposals. Sensera Systems was selected as the provider of choice based on fully meeting all requirements, at a significantly lower total cost, for a completely integrated and portable solution.

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