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Pepper Construction: Site Intelligence Solution Simplifies Progress Monitoring, Collaboration and Security


Pepper Construction serves clients across the country with offices in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. Pepper’s market expertise includes workplace and education, healthcare, manufacturing and light industrial, among others. As a top Midwest commercial contractor, the company leads the industry in virtual technologies, sustainability and lean strategies.


Pepper had interest in being able to see an overview of the entire jobsite for real-time remote progress monitoring and logistics with both fixed and PTZ cameras. Pepper also wanted advanced security capabilities, to monitor specific areas of the site such as the entry gate to see who is coming and going, as well as the parking lot and lay down yard. This particular site had high traffic volume with both workers and civilians that used the parking lot for a variety of other things (Uber drivers, etc). 


 Pepper was unfamiliar with Sensera Systems product prior to using them at the Oracle Lab. Due to the success there, they have since implemented Sensera solutions on multiple projects across Pepper, including other offices. Pepper believes the more additional eyes on the site, the better. This helps with safety and risk mitigation, as well as provides remote access to the site when a team member isn’t local. “While we have used competitive cameras on Pepper projects previously, not all projects can afford that level of service,” said Jennifer Suerth, Vice President Technical Services. “We found that Sensera meets most of our critical needs and is more cost effective than the other cameras we have used. There were multiple project owners who didn’t think they could afford a camera on their jobsite, but then were able to with Sensera. It’s nice to have options. While there are cameras that may have far more advanced interfaces and functionality, this project proved that sometimes all the “bells and whistles” aren’t necessary.”

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