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Sensera Project Pricing

Streamline Your Next Site Camera Deployment with Project Pricing

A flexible rental option that can reduce project costs and simplify asset management.

The start of a new project can be a stressful time for contractors, but it doesn’t have to be. Sensera Systems’ Project Pricing model is designed to reduce project costs and simplify asset management and logistics.

Among contractors in 2022, 62% rented construction equipment, like site cameras and mounting accessories, because it provided more flexibility than owning. With renting, contractors can reap the benefits of the equipment without taking on the overhead, which can simplify any project.

A Simpler Way to Monitor Construction Projects

Owned equipment comes with project budgeting challenges, maintenance costs, storage problems, and scheduling logistics headaches. These challenges only expand as a company takes on more projects.

Project Pricing tells a different story. This model scales to meet your needs, making project logistics simpler as a company grows. It can help keep project costs low while streamlining the deployment of site cameras.

The Perks of Project Pricing

  • Reduces project costs with tailored pricing based on your project goals
  • Simplifies project budgeting and bidding
  • Provides the benefits of owning without the overhead
  • Simplifies asset logistics and inventory management

How does it work?

  1. Your Account Manager will help you determine which camera solution and accessories are right for your project, and for how long.
  2. We’ll set up your project-based software and service plan and send your camera system (and accessories, if applicable) to the designated location exactly when you need it.
  3. When the project has been completed, simply return the camera system in the postage-paid box. 

Then, let us know when your next project starts and we’ll do it all again!

Choosing a Site Camera System

Every project has unique goals, which means different projects may require different camera solutions. Your Account Manager will assist you in determining which Fixed Position, PTZ, and/or Security camera will work best for your project objectives.

We can also help with a variety of additional mounting solutions to suit any project, including our: 

  • 20’ Telescoping Camera Pole: A popular mounting solution for any job site with a handy replaceable sleeve.
  • Non-Penetrating Roof Mount: A secure, stable roof mount.  Works with all Sensera Systems camera models.
  • Tripod Mounting Kit: A lightweight mounting kit for indoor monitoring or temporary outdoor projects.
  • Portable Trailer: A trailer that connects to a standard hitch with a mast that can be raised up to 25’. It can support up to three Sensera camera systems for up to 180° of site coverage.

No matter what your future projects hold, Sensera Systems® can help reduce your project costs while meeting all your site monitoring needs. Contact us today to learn more about how Project Pricing can simplify your next project!

About Alicia Eichman

Alicia Eichman is a Freelance Writer and the owner of Silver Quill Writing, where she specializes in writing content for companies in the tech, health, and wellness industries. Before transitioning to a writing career, Alicia studied Psychology at Pennsylvania State University and worked in the construction tech industry for 5 years.


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